dk 舞蹈 dance 2012百度云下载 -申银万国官网
资源介绍在世界各地,人们跳舞以庆祝特殊场合或表达自己的民族身份。 中国舞龙舞和西班牙弗拉门戈舞等舞蹈在全球闻名。人们在历史上跳着舞。 从埃及和印度到古典希腊和罗马,在每种留下文字或图片记录的古老文化中,都有证据表明舞蹈很重要。 古代以来,舞蹈一直被用来表达民族身份,直到今天仍然如此。all over the world, people dance to celebrate special occasions or express their national identity. dances such as the chinese dragon dance and spanish flamenco are famous across the globe.people have danced their way through history. in every ancient culture that has left records in words or pictures—from egypt and india to classical greece and rome—there is evidence that dance mattered. through the ages, dance has been used to express national identity, and it still is today.